Thursday, August 13, 2009

English Muffins - BBA Challenge #12

Week 12's Bread Baker's Apprentice challenge is English muffins.

I decided to join in the fun that some of my fellow bakers were having by doing a bake off / throw down between two recipes.

Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a BIG fan of Rose Levy Beranbaum and her Bibles. Not only does she write very detailed cookbooks but she's also very supportive & giving to those on her website. I used her English Muffin recipe out of the Bread Bible (BB) and I had no doubt that her recipe would beat Peter's Bread Bakers Apprentice (BBA). But did it?

Both recipes came together quickly. The Bread Bible used a sponge that you can leave overnight in the refrigerator should you choose. Then mixed and baked the next day. The BBA used a direct method that took 4 hours from beginning to end.

The BB dough is rolled out and cut with a large biscuit cutter

While the BBA is shaped like a dinner roll.

BB's rising on corn meal

BBA's after rise

Both are cooked on the griddle until dark brown on both side.


The BBA's is placed in the oven for 5-8 minutes to finish baking.
Final product: BB


Crumb shots:

So which one did we like best?
Much to my surprise, I liked BBA's. The BB had a slight sour dough taste which some may find appealing.


  1. Wow... this is great!!! I can't believe how much they look like store bought English muffins, but I know they tasted much better!!!

    I'm not so much a fan of sour dough, so I'd probably like Rose's better (I like the shape of hers a bit more too).

    Great review Tammy!!!

  2. BB's definately has better nooks and crannies, something that I thought BBA's lacked (at least when I tried them). But even your BBA's have pretty good nooks and crannies. Great job on the side by side comparison. I love to compare different recipes head on like that. Thanks for doing the work.

  3. I like your little heart on the BB muffin. Very pretty. Terri

  4. Thanks Butteryum. I had no idea how simple they'd be to make.

    Thanks Cindy. It may be awhile before I do it again since it takes a bit more time and energy to compare recipes. But it is a lot of fun. :-)

    Thanks Mustang Terri

  5. I absolutely love throw-down recipes, particularly when people compare their old stand-bys with the new upstart recipe from the BBA.

    Though I like the shape of the BB, it's a bit too perfect, while the BBA muffins, particularly in your photos, have a lot of character.

  6. Gosh, these homemade English muffins looks nicer than any I've ever seen. I may finally have the incentive to try them on my own. Very appetizing indeed! Love your blog!

  7. Thanks Misterrios... I love throw-downs too. :-) Thanks for the compliments on the muffins!

    Thanks for stopping by Jane. I love your blog too. I'm going to start following it. I'm so jealous of you. I want to go to culinary / pastry school! :-D
    The muffins are VERY easy to make and taste wonderful.

  8. What lovely English muffins. I love all those crispy little nooks and crannies. Perfect for all the butter and jam.
